IF my people

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14

This is a very familiar verse of scripture for Christians. It is often one that is recited numerous times by pastors during their sermons. Especially during times like we are having now. We often hear words of how God is trying to get peoples’ attention. The question I would like to raise is WHOSE attention is God seeking? Is it the world’s attention?

No. We as Christians, often want to point to fingers at the world during disastrous times as if to say it is all their fault. We often take a holier than thou mentality in order to help ease our own stress. Belittle others in order for us to feel bigger.

God is very direct in who he is talking to in 2 Chronicles. He mentions His target within the first three words. “If my people”. God is talking His children. Not the world. We are the one’s responsible for seeking God during these terrible times. It is our job to beg for His grace and mercy. It is part of our duty in being the “light of the world” and the “salt of the earth”. This is the best and most direct way that we can influence this world to the good. We as Christians have the ability to truly call on God. The world doesn’t. They don’t have a direct line of communication with the creator of the world. Christians do.

But notice the first word in this verse. “IF”. It doesn’t say when my people. It says “IF”. God knows us. He knows our ways. He knows that majority of the time, we are going to try and fix things ourselves. Rather than call on God, we will try to create a cure or a fix to the situation. And not until we fall on our face in failure, will we consider calling on God. But we know that in the event that we do eventually call on God, we are going to have to face our true selves in the mirror and admit to what we truly are. We will have to admit that we like to think we are self-sufficient and able to handle things as well or better than God. We don’t like to do this. It is not in our sinful nature. “If” is a huge word. Probably the biggest of all two letter words. It is a loophole for us a lot of times. A get out of jail free card. It gives us a way out when we don’t like a particular situation.

In this verse, it is a stumbling block. It prevents us from being able to completely experience all that God has prepared for us. It limits the blessings of life. It keeps us from being the salt and light for this sinful world. This world is currently in desperate need for salt and light. In order for us to be able to provide it we must first be willing to sincerely get on our knees before God.

I hope that you and your families are safe and healthy. Know that you are all in my prayers that we will soon see this pandemic in our rear view mirrors. God Bless.