Modern Day Joseph and Mary
“Then Joseph her husband, being a just man..” Matthew 1:19
We are smack dab in the middle of what is known as the Christmas Season. It often brings warm fuzzy feelings of family, good will, peace on earth, etc. It is honestly my favorite time of year. We go from taking a time set aside to give thanks to God for the blessings of life to celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior. It doesn’t get any better than this.
I would like for us to take a step back and consider something. Let’s take a look at two of the main characters of the birth of our Lord, Joseph and Mary. Mary typically gets the majority of the attention as there is very little said about Joseph in the Bible. However, I feel like there is something to take from the lives of both of these people.
Let’s look at this moment in history hypothetically. What if we were living in the days leading up to the birth of Jesus? Whether you are male or female, I want you to put yourself into this time. Our verse above describes Joseph as a “just” man. Obviously God thought a lot of Mary in approaching her to be the mother of Jesus. Now here is the hypothetical part. If we lived back in this time, do you think God would be willing to use you to complete His plan of salvation in the place of Mary or Joseph?
If you are a man, would you be considered by God to be a “just” man? Would you be a man that God could use? Would you have your life in a right relationship with God? Or, would God have to pass you by because you went the way of the prodigal son?
If you are a lady, would God be able to use you in the place of Mary? Sexual perversion and sin is rampant in today’s society. Many people say it’s their life and nobody’s business. What if Mary had this attitude? Jesus was prophesied to be born of a virgin. What would the Christmas story read like?
“And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.” Luke 1:28
Would you be considered “highly favoured” by God? Or, would God have to also pass you by?
My point with this thought is that we should always be mindful of who we are with God. We should be aware of the status of our relationship with God. First, are you a child of God’s? If not, you must get that corrected ASAP. Seek God and ask him to save you. Then when you are a child of God’s, seek to remain as close to him as possible. Read the Bible, pray, go to church, and focus on Him. We must always remain ready and prepared to be used by God in a mighty way. Of course we will not be used to be the earthly parents of God, as Mary and Joseph have already fulfilled those roles. But we never know what God could have in store for us in how He wants to use us. I strongly encourage you to seek to be a modern day Mary or Joseph.