Close of a New Year
As I type this, it is December 22, 2023. We are fast approaching Christmas Day and I am sure that I am not alone in saying how busy my schedule is. This is my favorite time of year as I find myself focusing more on what this time means to me. As a kid, I am convinced that we are completely unable to truly appreciate what the Christmas season is all about. It is a maturity thing. We are all wrapped up (no pun intended) with getting out of school, gifts, food, and sleeping in. It is natural for it to be that way because, as kids, we tend to live in the here and now. We don’t consider the past or future very much, if at all.
Since I have grown up and have kids of my own, I have grown more appreciative of life, events and moments as opposed to stuff. I don’t always show it but I have learned that, while the Christmas season gets me feeling all warm and fuzzy on the inside, for God, Christmas was both a sad but also joyous occasion. He sent His Son to this earth to bring joy. But in order to do that, He knew He had to experience the utmost pain. Jesus left the throne room of Heaven, to end up crying out, “My God, why hast thou forsaken Me?”. When He was born, the angels sang. When He died, the people hollered “Crucify Him!”.
I can’t imagine the emotions that flooded over God. I can’t imagine having that kind of love for something or someone. It’s not like God was unaware of what was going to happen to Jesus. What was going to happen was the whole purpose. It was the plan. God was willing to trade the life of His Son for mine. I’m not trying to be negative Nancy but I am not worth that in my opinion. Fortunately for me, God doesn’t see it that way. In my mind, I don’t deserve it. In His, I do.
There are two songs I highly recommend that you listen to this Christmas. The first is called “Joseph’s Lullaby” by Mercy Me. It raises the question as to what did Jesus know and understand when He was born. At what point did He understand His purpose? The other song is “It’s About the Cross” by Go Fish. It is a perfect reminder about what the true purpose was for Christmas happening.
The last thing I would like to suggest is Google the story “Teach the Children”. I don’t know the author but we read this story at our house every Christmas Eve before the kids go to bed. I love how it takes Santa and uses him to remind us the real meaning of Christmas. I hope everyone reading this has a very Merry Christmas. I am not going to promise, but I do intend on trying to post more often than I did this past year. I have included links below for the songs and the story.