Easter and Passover – Part 2
“All this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying,” Matthew 21:2
Last time we discussed how the Passover was began by God and we mentioned how God has such an attention to detail. This time we want to discuss how Christianity’s Easter celebration coincides with the Jewish Passover. It is not a coincidence or accident.
Previously we mentioned how Passover begins on the 10th day of the month of Nisan. This is the day that the lamb or goat is brought into the house to be inspected to determine if is suitable for sacrifice. It had to be without any blemish. The scripture above is quoted from where Jesus tells His disciples to go and they would find a donkey for Him to ride. This was to fulfill a prophecy in Zechariah 9:9.
“Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass.” Zechariah 9:9
This was Jesus’ way of proclaiming to the world who He was. He was announcing that He was Jewish Messiah! The Pharisees and religious leaders all knew the scriptures and the prophecies about the Messiah. They knew what Jesus was proclaiming. This also happened on the 10th day of Nisan. This was like Jesus, as the Passover lamb, was brought into the house of the Jews and the world. Jesus would spend the following few days preaching, teaching, cleaning out the temple, etc.
He would then be arrested (illegally I might add according to Jewish law), beaten and brought before the Roman governor Pilate. It is at this time Pilate proclaims in Luke 23:4, “I find no fault in this man.”
This is exactly what had to be determined about the Passover sacrifice! Jesus was determined to have no fault and no blemish. He was determined to be fit to be the eternal Passover sacrifice for the sin of all mankind.
Jesus is then handed over to the Jews to be put to death as Pilate literally washes his hands of the situation. Pilate basically took the cowards way out to prevent the Jews from rioting and causing trouble.
So, Jesus is put to death on the Friday of Holy Week. This is also on the 14th day Nisan. The same date that the sacrificial lambs and goats are put to death for Passover. Not only that, but the Bible also tells us that Jesus cried “It is finished!” at 3:00 in the afternoon which is the exact same time that the afternoon sacrifices are killed by the high priest at the temple. Once again, not an accident or coincidence. It is said that when the high priest would kill the lamb, he too would call out “It is finished.” So, at the moment of His death, Jesus fulfilled two major roles for us. He died as our eternal sacrifice for our sins but He also fulfilled the role as our High Priest to God.
Some people would say that there is nothing to see here. It is no big deal. So, what if God coordinated all these things like this. What should that mean to us? It should mean everything. We all get overwhelmed when a friend, spouse, or loved one goes all out for us. When they pay attention to the smallest details to make us feel special. That is what God has done to the utmost! His attention to detail should show us a small glimmer of how much He loves us. Plus, to give His life on top of it. It means everything to me.