What Did God Teach Me Through Adoption?
As I mentioned in a previous post, I went into this adoption process thinking I was going to bless a child’s life. What I didn’t expect is what the adopting of a child would do for me. I have been raised in church and attended church all my life. I am very familiar with all
Lessons in Adoption Part 8
It was time for our third and final trip. This was a trip I enjoyed the most as there was no stress or worry of court. This trip was for the purpose of us going and bringing our son home. We weren’t sure how Gehrig would respond to us. During our last trip, he had
Lessons in Adoption Part 7
When we started our adoption process it was 2010. When we decided to change over to the Poland program, it was 2012. We spent 2 years in the process with nothing to show for it. We were tired and discouraged. While we felt we had a glimmer of hope with this new program, we also
Lessons in Adoption Part 6
One thing I forgot to mention in my previous posts is the name that we were going to name the Russian child we were adopting. His name was going to be Cooper. We had shirts, decorations, and keepsakes bought and given to us with his name on them. We had his room ready. I guess
Lessons in Adoption Part 5
We had a long journey home after that last trip to Russia. We were not allowed to go back and see the child after court. We had to fight through flight delays, missed connection flights, and redirected flights. We finally arrived back in Memphis. I’ll be honest, I had no desire to see anybody but
Lessons in Adoption Part 4
Our time in court seemed would never come. I asked the interpreter if there were any questions that we needed to talk about. Was there anything that she needed to prepare us for. She repeatedly said no. I was still so nervous. The interpreter even asked Marcia if I was ok. I could not shake
Lessons in Adoption Part 3
Once we returned home from our anniversary trip, Marcia began talking and praying about where we would adopt from. We talked about foreign and domestic, and finally decided on foreign. We had heard and read a lot of stories of domestic adoptions that were reversed at the last minute and we just couldn’t put our
Lessons in Adoption Part 2
For years, I tried to push back the notion that God wanted us to do more. I kept telling myself that it was fine. I would often think that I was doing enough, or at least I am doing something. But I knew that I was not where God wanted me and my family to
Lessons in Adoption Part 1
There have been times in my life that have surprised me. I don’t mean surprised me like a surprise party. But surprised me in that while I thought I was doing something to help someone else, I ended up being the one helped. Over the next several posts I am going to share a personal