What do I do to be saved?

This is a short question but is the most important question to answer in your life. The answer to this question determines the eternal condition of your soul. What does it mean “to be saved”? Saved from what? Why do I need it?

For we as people to be saved means to be born again. This is a phrase that Jesus used while talking with Nicodemus. Jesus was explaining to Nicodemus what he needed in order to have eternal life. It led to the most recognized verse in the Bible that means more to mankind than any verse, John 3:16.


“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”


So, what is the answer to Nicodemus’ question?

First, why do we need salvation? The Bible says that man is sinful. God is holy and perfect. He is so perfect and cannot be in the midst of sin. We are not. Isaiah 64:6 says all our righteousness is as filthy rags. In order for God to have a relationship with us and for us to be able to spend eternity with Him something has to change. Romans 3:23 says all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Everybody needs salvation. Romans 3:10 says there is none righteous. Not one single person is exempt from the punishment of sin. You might be thinking, “I am a good person”, or “I haven’t done anything THAT bad”. James 2:10 says that if you broken even just one small part of God’s law then you are guilty of breaking all of God’s law. It’s an all or nothing thing. It’ like when you go to the doctor to get tested for the flu. You will never hear a doctor say that you almost have the flu or you have just a little bit of the flu. You either have the flu or not. Once you sin, it’s done. You are a sinner separated from God in need of a savior. You do have an option. God gives us choices. Either become a child of His, or suffer the consequences. Romans 6:23 says that the wages or payment that we owe for our sin is death. This death the Bible is referring to is a spiritual death in hell. It is not like a physical death that once it happens it is over. Spiritual death means an eternal separation from God in a fiery hell that was designated for the devil and his angels. It never ends. You experience this punishment for all eternity. Eternal torment and darkness separated from God.

Ok, we all need help. The Bible has established that. Where is our help? Romans 5:8 tells us that while we were still sinners Christ died for our sins. Jesus was willing to pay that debt we owed for our sins. He gave His life on the cross so that we might have eternal life. Just think of the kind of love that Christ displayed on the cross. After being beaten, tortured, spit upon, cursed, and made fun of, He prayed to God, while hanging on the cross, asking God to forgive the people for what they were doing to Him. The created were killing the Creator and yet He still loved them/us.

How can you receive this precious gift of salvation? Romans 10:9-10 says that if confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead you shall be saved. Verse 13 of the same chapter says that whoever calls on God shall be saved. It is not just for a select few. It’s not like a club. God accepts everyone who calls on Him. Salvation is a gift that only comes from God. There is no way that we can ever live a good enough life to earn salvation. It is by grace through faith. Ephesians 2:8-9 says it is not of works on our part. If it was then we could brag on what we did. God provides the grace, mercy, and faith required for salvation to every person. We just have to accept it. If we don’t accept it and give our lives to God, then Christ dying on the cross was of no benefit to us. I think of it like a birthday or Christmas present. If you present me with a present, and I never open it and use it. I never take it home but just leave laying where you gave it to me. It is of no benefit to me. I am getting no use of it. It has not changed my life one bit. I must accept the gift and bring it into my life. Make it a part of my life. When I do that everything changes. So, it is with salvation.

When you sincerely pray and ask God to save your soul, He hears you and is faithful to do what you ask. Your life will change. Your ideas and interests will change. Will you be problem free? Nope. Not even close. When Jesus was on earth, the Bible says He didn’t have a place to sleep. Jesus had problems. People wanted to kill Him. They wanted to run Him out of town. If God’s own Son had problems on earth, you can bet that we will too. The world wants nothing to do with God or anyone who follows God. If you are like Christ, (which is the basic definition of Christian) then you should expect the world to treat you like Christ. It may seem hard at times, but I can promise you the end result will be amazing.